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Resources and reference materials for interns

Job Readiness Training - slide deck

Job Readiness Cover.png

In addition to the training content, the appendix contains additional useful information and resources for interns.

Role Model Speakers

Nzingha Prescod speaker series.png

Expectations Meeting Discussion Guide

A worksheet to help you prepare for the first conversation with your mentor.  Available as a PDF and as a Word document.

Master Classes

Elevate+ offers live classes to provide our interns with insider tips and tools to make you more successful when they enter the full time workforce. Recordings of some highlighted previous events can be found here.

Coming soon!



Active Listening

Healthy Conflict


What Great Listeners Actually Do

Who you know.png

It's Not What You Know.

It's Who You Know.


The Right Way to Fight

You Belong


How to overcome imposter phenomenon

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