Guidance for preparing your application
This is your opportunity to put present your best self and make a great first impression!
Spend time thinking about and planning your application. Check out the sample application below to give you an idea of how you might respond to each of the questions. Review the Cheat Sheets in the Applicant's Toolbox for additional tips and advice.
Update your resume. It must be saved in either a PDF, .Doc, or .Docx format for uploading into the application. Tips and guidance on resume preparation can be found below, along with a sample resume.
Review the application(s) for completeness, formatting, and spelling. Have someone proofread a draft of your application before you submit it.
Direct any questions you may have about this application process to your contact at the organization that made you aware of these opportunities.
Sample Internship Application
Applicant's Toolbox
Guidance for preparing your resume
Your resume should be targeted to be effective. If you don’t know what you want, it’s going to be difficult for the reader to know. The first step is to determine what skills, experience, and education are needed for your target job.
Your resume should include the jobs you've done that most best demonstrate your ability to perform the role you're applying to. You don’t need to list every job you’ve ever held. Under each position, list the responsibilities you held that highlight the skills you can bring to your new employer.
The most important thing to remember is: Your resume is not about what you want — it’s what you can offer to an employer. Everything you put in your resume should relate to the job that you’re seeking, demonstrating to the hiring authority what you can do for the company in that position. When trying to decide whether something is relevant, think about the hiring manager.
Use this resume file name format: "Applicant-First-Name Applicant-Last-Name 202x " example Carolyn Parelli 2025
Accepted resume file types: .pdf .doc .docx
Sample Student Resume
Additional resume writing tips:
Program materials
Job Readiness Training - slide deck
In addition to the training content, the appendix contains additional useful information and resources for interns.
Role Model Speakers
Expectations Meeting Discussion Guide
A worksheet to help you prepare for the first conversation with your mentor. Available as a PDF and as a Word document.
Master Classes
Elevate+ offers live classes to provide our interns with insider tips and tools to make you more successful when they enter the full time workforce. Recordings of some highlighted previous events can be found here.
Interview and Resume Tips and Wow! Factors
with Ashley Scandariato