Elevate to Even Plus, or Elevate+ for short, levels the playing field for underrepresented young adults to break the cycle of social and economic inequality that exists in our communities. We facilitate access to formative, paid work experience for students and help other organizations tap into a pool of promising young talent.
Our Mission
Elevate to Even Plus disrupts systemic inequality by providing underserved students with access to transformative, paid internship experiences that get them to even — and beyond.
Our Vision
Our vision is equal access to formative work experience that is not limited by economic status, geography, or the legacy of structural inequity. When Elevate+ is successful, we believe students from disenfranchised communities will succeed as far as their drive, talent, and ambition take them.
Our Purpose
Students from underserved and disenfranchised communities often lack the access to internships which are critical in building skills and creating networks. Elevate levels the playing field, ensuring these students can get great paid internships doing formative work. As a result, young people gain applicable skills, valuable experience, and a network of mentors and peers that are critical to future success in the workplace.